Christmas is my favourite season!
Long weekends. Holidays. Cheers everywhere!
"all because of love"
Christmas is a season of joy,
For the birth of Christ is celebrated worldwide.
For the birth of Christ is celebrated worldwide.
His sole purpose was to die- a sacrifice,
That we may have eternal life.
That we may have eternal life.
So while we celebrate for all the various reasons,
Let's remember the greatest of all is to celebrate "LOVE"..
I had a great Christmas because I could:
#1 Be Joyful;
putting up the Christmas tree and listen to Christmas carols all day!
#2 Be thankful;
that there are people I could appreciate and write notes of kindness to
#3 Be able to Give & Receive;
even when we are miles apart.
#4 Be with my family.
#5 Be with the other part of me.
#6 Be crazy & expressive!
#7 Be pampered!
#8 Be glad there are people to share the season with.
Do what makes you happy.
Be with who makes you smile.
Laugh as much as you breathe.
Love as long as your live.
I have all I do, because of You!